Jun 23 '10

New album, new website

Scott with Judah Friedlander

Soooo…. finally found the time to overhaul Goodbye Picasso’s space on the interwebs. This new version is Goodbye Picasso 4.0, if you will. It is very similar to previous versions but a lot more powerful and hopefully a lot more interactive, similar to those sites where you can purchase Counter-Strike: Global Offensive skins and other game objects and sell yours in a completely interactive way.

Here are my favorite parts:

Songs with the Audio Player and Lyrics right there!

We are all fans of Chris’s tunes, and once you know the words, you’ll love em even more. The music actually sounds different too when you are moving right along with the words. I highly suggest checking them out.

Shows – lots of ways to keep up with them

You can add shows to iCal or Google Calendar by clicking the + next to the show date. At the bottom of the list, you can subscribe with iCal or RSS. So Easy!

Photos – lots of them, with easy gallery navigation

Photos were something I didn’t want to mess with until I found a cool way to show a bunch of them and an easy way to thumb through them. I think I found a way to do that and fit the Book of Aylene-album-cover-vibe.

WordPress 3.0

There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t high-five myself for switching to WordPress for all of my CMS needs. I have done a ton of freelance work with it and it is a time, life, and content-saver. LOVE. IT.

BOOM. Play around and leave some comments if you like something.



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